Projector Secrets, Sobriety and the Akashic Records, Using Mercury Energy in Your Business! Q+A with Michelle Pellizzon


What really matters is, how do I want to feel? At the end of my life, how do I want to feel about what I've done and who I've been and who I've helped, and who I've created? — Michelle Pellizzon

Episode Description

You asked, and we're here to answer! Today's episode is all about you, our amazing community. We've received so many great questions from you guys over the past few months, and today Michelle is on the pod to reflect on them.

Michelle answers a range of your Q's from:

  • running a business as a projector in Human Design

  • organizing your life as a freelancer

  • her most powerful nighttime routines

  • the best books she's read in 2020

  • how to use mercury energy in your natal chart and in your business

  • navigating sobriety and the Akashic Records

  • navigating the ups and downs of emotionally and mentally running a business and, well, being a human being!

We hope you enjoy the episode and please don't be shy to let us know what other burning questions or thoughts you have by texting us @ +1 818-699-9735. We'd love to hear from you!

What's the point of this? Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I ask, what's the intention? Knowing that as long as I'm intentional, then I'll stay on the path, and being open to the path changing. As long as the intention is clear, I might not get what I want in the way that I want to get it, but eventually, I will get what's right.— Michelle Pellizzon

Text us @ +1 818-699-9735 with a screenshot of your podcast review and we'll send you a special treat🌟

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, AnchorBreakerGoogle Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic


If you'd like to hear more of team Holisticism's thoughts on issues of the day, check out "The Competitor vs. Contemporary Reframe and Setting Energetic Boundaries" where we get down to the nitty-gritty of what it means to turn a competitor into your contemporary. It's a triggering topic, and we've all been there where we're not sure if we should call someone in, call them out, have a tough conversation with them, or straight up invoice them for plagiarizing our work! There's no right answer, and we're here to discuss all perspectives without ignoring the historical and structural systems of oppression that are at play. The systems of white supremacy and patriarchy continue to create false narratives around scarcity, urgency, and competition while stealing from marginalized people, and these all must be considered as part of the conversation when talking about competition. Join us as we discuss and let us know your thoughts on the power of reframing your frenemies as collaborators.



  • Michelle covers a little intro of the basics of the Human Design system and some specific tips on being a Projector, including how she likes to create her own ecosystem or work, getting organized in a way that works with her synesthesia, and how she goes about doing partnerships as a projector [6:29]

  • How to get organized as a freelancer and business owner. The tech tools, routines, and habits that Michelle use's [19:06]

  • Michelle's favorite books of 2020 [30:39]

  • Michelle's most powerful night time routines [34:31]

  • How Michelle uses mercury energy to inform her business decisions [36:27]

  • Getting down to the what of caring for your community [40:13]

  • Practicing sobriety and experimenting with taking breaks from substances that we feel we need to depend on while exploring your connection to yourself and your guides [41:49]

  • On therapy, gardening, taking personal retreats, saying no, learning piano, and building altar's to stay grounded and centered while running a business and being a human [47:02]