
We like life-long learners. Curious folks who devour content in all forms, who consider themselves optimistic skeptics. People who want to grow more wrinkles in their brains. Humans who’ll try anything once, to see what it’s like.

It’s your job to decide what to do with the information you’re given. (We also like personal sovereignty)

Holisticism provides free educational resources, low-cost trainings and workshops, and an open-source learning platform for all people curious about deepening their relationship to well-being.


Barriers to accessibility in the wellness space include, but are not limited to: race, sex, class, gender identity, sexual preference, socioeconomic status, and geography. Acknowledgement of these barriers and very real factors that inhibit equity is necessary in order to create a more accessible, inclusive wellness space. We cannot heal what we cannot face.


We say that Holisticism is for those teetering on the edge of the Ordinary World, ready to dive into the Special World. Bless up, Joseph Campbell. The Special World is where the lessons are learned. Where we discover that magic is real. Where we meet our guides, teachers, and mortal enemies. Where we learn that all heroes have fatal flaws — that the flaws are what make them real. Evolution happens in the Special World.

But all protagonists must eventually venture back to the Ordinary World, because they need to embody what they’ve learned. We talk about magic, mysticism, and the spiritual side of wellness not as a form of escapism, but because we believe it can be translated into the Real world. And we’ll talk about business, racism, and geo-politics in the same breath as the Akashic Records for the same reason.

You are a multidimensional being and so is the Universe around you.


It’s more fun to have fun. That’s it. That’s the joke.

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